blue cow moo wonders .... and knits and crochets

Folksy Listing

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Knitting Resolutions

I had a number of knitting-related resolutions that I was going to commit to in January but I actually completed most of them in December. To be fair I was probably high on cold and flu medication for most of the Christmas period so my knitting was rather frenzied. Anyway, thing to tick off my knitters list:
  • Socks - I've now knitted two pairs (one each for J and M) - rather pleasing and I've now got a book on how to knit two socks on the same circular needle.
  • Felting - I've made a somewhat deformed felted bag out of very cheap wool - not sure how I feel about it though but I think it will grow on me.
So stuff I still want to try in 2009:
  • knitting two socks on the same needle
  • intarsia / fairisle (ie two or more colour knitting)
  • lace-weight knitting
  • spinning
By the way, this post is by way of distracting me whist I wait for my new (pink!) laptop to arrive.

1 comment:

Pol vanRhee said...

Just wanted to say I saw your blue cow and really liked her.